We have an amazing community in and around Bizzy Kidz. There is a lot of support, care and aroha here.
The tamariki in our community and their future mean a huge amount to us and so with the support of Childcare & Learning Group NZ, we have a fund to support parents in the community into getting their children into care.
Job hunting, caring for family, supporting a neighbour, or just taking time for you to pause, breath and smile are all good reasons for needing to give your child the opportunity to have their own fun, space and time with others that will benefit them.
Your little one has a place here to be loved, cared for, to learn with friends and have fun while you focus on the bigger picture of supporting your home, family, wider whānau and community.

Mini Baby Breaks – Free
We can offer three-hour sessions in either the morning or the afternoon, free of charge to parents of babies. These sessions are limited, with a minimum of three and maximum of five sessions.
**These sessions are fully funded through our Bizzy Kidz Wellbeing Fund and Government ECE Funding.

Toddler Tasters – Free
Much like our Baby Break sessions, we can offer two-year olds, five four-hour sessions per week in either the morning or the afternoon.
These are limited funded sessions with a set number available.
**These sessions are fully funded through our Bizzy Kidz Wellbeing Fund and Government ECE Funding.

Fully Free ECE sessions for 2, 3 & 4 year olds
Bizzy Kidz offers "20 Hours Free" as part of the government’s initiative to increase children’s participation in early childhood programmes. This initiative is aimed at 3 and 4-year-olds with a view to preparing them for school life.
The Bizzy Kidz 2020 Wellbeing Fund has extended this offer to two year olds and opened some limted free 'school day' sessions.
Sessions are:
9am to 1pm, 9am to 3pm or 1pm to 5pm.
Sessions are limited and there may be a waiting list for your preferred session.
**These sessions are fully funded through our Bizzy Kidz Wellbeing Fund and Government ECE Funding.